SSS: Super Spectrum Specification

MAP: Warehouse Terada G1 Building

In response to the theme of MYAF2024, "NEW ERA," the three curators, Yoshidayama, Kuremiya Yurika, and Tsutsumi Takuya, under the supervision of Yamamine Junya, will be holding the exhibition "SSS: Super Spectrum Specification," which proposes a combination of various aspects of abstract contemporary cities in collaboration with artists from Japan and abroad who work in a variety of creative styles.
This exhibition uses the format of an international exposition to explore expressions that go beyond the techniques of traditional art such as painting and sculpture. Visual artists, architects, performance artists, and others will work together in a spatial composition that incorporates motifs of city elements such as architecture, alleys, squares, and objects, creating a space where visitors can not only appreciate the works but also participate in the exhibition, creating a space where coincidences occur constantly.

Supervisor: Junya Yamamine
Planning and production: NYAW Co., Ltd.
Space design: GROUP
Cooperation: Mujin-to Production, CON_, Tsuie Co., Ltd.