TOKYO FM「KIRIN BEER "GoodLuck" LIVE」にBeverlyの出演決定!公開収録の観覧者募集!
初のシングル「A New Day」の発売記念イベントを、ららぽーと立川立飛にて開催決定!
HBC 北海道放送の「Witch」でBeverlyのコメント動画のオンエアが決定!
Appearance in FM Yokohama “Tresen” is decided!
Free paper "MC (muse clip)"Beverly An interview is posted!
New song Happy now"" Growing Squadron Nobirunger "CM song decided!
Appearance on SBS Radio “Listen Dylan”!
Posted an interview article on "A New Day" at Rakuten Books!
In the video corner of the music program “Love music” “Sakigake! Instant movies!” Beverly Appeared!
New song All I Want"SBS 65th anniversary special project J-League Opening Special Tie-up Song!
hitomi 's regular radio program InterFM "hitomi RADIO" will appear as a guest!
First-come-first-served purchase awards for single “A New Day” released on February 28!
Comment and MV on-air are decided on national music information TV “MUSIC BB”!
The first single “A New Day” release event @ AEON Lake Town will be held!
New song “A New Day” FM NACK 5
New song "A New Day" MUSIC ON! Determined as "M-ON! Recommend" on TV (Em On!)!
Appearance to Friends of Disney Concert 2018 is decided!
The appearance on Bourbon Presents Ginza Awakening Classics Vol. 83 is decided!
The appearance on the music program "Music Fair" is decided!
The appearance to the music festival "ISHIN-DENSHIN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL" held in the mother country Philippines is decided!