• project N 89 川人綾 | 東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー(東京)/2023
Aya Kawato

川人 綾

Born in 1988. Under the guidance of his neuroscientist father, he became strongly aware that we perceive the world through the brain. After studying traditional Japanese dyeing and weaving in Kyoto, after studying abroad at the National High School of Fine Arts in Paris, completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts. Based on the theme of "control and deviation", he mainly creates grid-like paintings with a background of traditional dyeing and weaving and modern neuroscience. Major solo exhibitions include “Diagonal Area” (The Triangle, Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art, Kyoto / 2022) and “project N 89” (Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo / 2023). Major collections include Chanel Co., Ltd. (Tokyo) and The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts. He has also received numerous awards, including the Nomura Art Award 2018 and the 2074, Dream World Grand Prix. He has also done a lot of commission work for hotels and offices such as Longchamp La Maison Ginza, The Hotel Seiryu (Kyoto), and Facebook (Tokyo).

Aya Kawahito _CV

Portrait: ©️ Longchamp La Maison Ginza