DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2015 "FEVER" in Osaka and Kobe are over


Osaka concert
Kobe concert
are both over

We were in Osaka for two days, and it was great seeing many of you enjoying the music and getting into it in your own ways.
I think we were able to create the best FEVER on both day

By the way, I had the opportunity to go see it the last time I was in Osaka, but this time too, the morning of our concert, I went to see Yoshimoto Shin Kigeki (comedy play). (laugh)
It was so funny.

Then there was the Kobe concert.
This was pretty crazy too.
Because of the power from all of you, it became a great stage.
Knowing that this concert was our half way point on our tour, while I was singing, I was feeling again how blessed I am to be on this tour.

I would like to create some great FEVER for the rest of the tour.

Tomorrow I will be performing In Fukuoka.
I will see you all in the venue^_^

Photo Description

「KOBE Biennale」
I went to see the art festival in Kobe during my free time on a travel day.
There were many artworks and they were so inspiring.