• MATRIX(9×9, silver)/2023

本橋 孝祐

Kosuke Motohashi

Born in Hyogo 1989. Graduated from Ritsumeikan University. He studied sociology and social psychology from the experience of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake as a child, and began his career as an artist after working in 3.11 support activities and as a UN intern.

Currently based in Tokyo. His major exhibitions include "Eternal Finite (MIAKI Gallery, Tokyo)" and the art fair "Art on Paper (NYC)". His awards include "Contest in New York (Ashok Jain Gallery)". He is also actively involved in public projects such as art direction at Kansai International Airport.


My personal interest is "what is the truth (the world = what is certain for me, what I have to accept, what I believe in)", and my theme as an artist is to embody the fragments of truth that I find at that time as a medium that can be confirmed beyond "me" and "the present".


Born in 1989 in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Graduated from Ritsumeikan University. Studied sociology and social psychology after experiencing the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in his childhood, and began his artistic activities after working on 3.11 relief activities and as an intern at the United Nations.

Currently based in Tokyo. Major exhibitions include "Eternal Finite" at MIAKI Gallery, Tokyo, and the art fair "Art on Paper" in NYC. Awards received include "Contest in New York" at Ashok Jain Gallery. He is also actively involved in public projects, including art direction for Kansai International Airport.

My personal interest is “what is the truth (what is certain for the world = myself, what we cannot help but accept, and what we believe in),” and my theme as an artist is to materialize the fragments of truth that I have found at that time as a medium that can be confirmed beyond “I” and “present”.

Kosuke Motohashi_CV