2009年多摩美術大学大学院デザイン専攻情報デザイン研究領域修了。デジタルメディアを基盤に、行為の主体を自律型装置や外的要因に委ねることで人間の身体性を焙り出し、表現の主体性の問う作品を多く制作する。文化庁メディア芸術祭アート部門にて「SENSELESS DRAWING BOT」が第 15 回で新人賞、「Avatars」が第 21 回で優秀賞を受賞(共に菅野創との共作)。2013 年、新進芸術家海外研修制度に採択され、バルセロナとベルリンに滞在。(b. 1984 in Kanagawa, Japan)
Artist. In 2009, he gained a Master’s degree in Information Design at the Graduate School of Design, Tama Art University, Japan. Based on digital media, yang02 creates a number of works that entrusts the active subject to autonomous devices and external factors, in order to bring forth the human body and question the notion of subjectivity. His “SENSELESS DRAWING BOT” won the New Face Award of the Art Section at the 15th Japan Media Arts Festival, and “Avatars” the Award for Excellence in the Art Section at the 21th Japan Media Arts Festival (both in collaboration with Hajime Kanno). In 2013, he was selected for the Overseas Training Program for Emerging Artists and stayed in Barcelona and Berlin.