• Shibuya_20230625/2023
Tadamasa Iguchi

井口 忠正

Tadamasa Iguchi
Born in Tokyo 1984. Representative Director of Digital Creative Studio "IN FOCUS", Creative
He runs the studio "CONTRAST". After graduating from high school, when I worked as a manager at a club in Shibuya,
Started designing in academia. Interned at San Francisco-based BTRAX Inc. in 2009
Test. Started photography at the same time. After returning to Japan, he became a web media director and photographer.
Established Invest in 2012. WEB and photography are the main areas, intertwining video and graphics
I like traversing digital content. In 2021, IN FOCUS moved to Tomigaya, with the theme of reconstruction
Opened CONTRAST. In this exhibition, vinyl data that constitutes digital photography is used as film photographs.
It is regarded as the same quality as the development process of Vinyl data and destroyed after development. Composed by accidentally born bugs
Photos rebuild the line between digital and analog.

Tadamasa Iguchi
CEO, Creative Director, Photographer of IN FOCUS Inc.
Born in 1984 in Tokyo.
While working as a manager at a club in Shibuya, started learning design by himself, then
worked for a design agency.
In 2007, moved to San Francisco and experienced web intern at btrax Inc.
After moved back to Japan in 2009, became a web director and photographer for a web media
In 2012, founded IN FOCUS Inc.
The main fields are web design and photography, and also has deep knowledge of digital
contents such as movie and graphic design.

Photo by Tokio Kuniyoshi