(Everyone's best 10) voting plan called "Daichishiki Voting" is starting.
It is only for members of official fan club "Daichishiki".


Why don't we decide songs that are recorded in the "Best <official fan club "Daichishiki" Edition">by your voting? It is entitled "Daichishiki voting".

Among all 108 songs of DAICHI MIURA including single coupling songs, original album songs recorded, songs where compilation album is participated and cover songs other than the songs recorded in "Best" that is going to be released on March 7th 2018, why don't you vote (your best 10 songs)?

"Everyone's best 10 songs" selected by voting of members of "Daichishiki", an official fan club of
DAICHI MIURA are going to be recorded in "Best <official fan club "Daichishiki" edition"> (Disk 3). It is voted at the special website listed below.

Website of voting:
(Acceptance period: noon on December 1st 2017 Friday to 23:59 December 15th 2017 Friday)