DAICHI MIURA's "IT'S THE RIGHT TIME" has been selected as the theme song of d video movie comic "Kiseiju"!


"d video ® powered by BeeTV" the nation's largest fixed price movie distribution service via TV, PC and smartphone (hereinafter described as "d video") has decided to exclusively distribute the movie comic "Kiseiju" from November 20 (Thu) ahead of its movie released on November 29.Same as the anime version, DAICHI MIURA's "IT'S THE RIGHT TIME" is incorporated as the theme song.
"Movie comic" is a new sensational contents which ungroup/regroup the original comic piece by piece with additional lines and sounds. Highly commented by d video members for its casual way to viewing it without flipping pages to physically experience the attraction of the realistic sound which is not included in the original comic.
For this occasion, d video exlucisively distributes "Kiseiju" the popular comic as a movie comic. This work depicts the encounter of Shinichi Izumi the hero and parasitic beast Miggy, and the desperate struggle with a beast parasited to an individual which episode has become the story's turning point.There are loads ofinteresting aspects specific to movie comics that can only be seen on dVideo such as the action filled scenes of parasites preying on people, which is a bit different from the original comic, or the talking Migi voiced by Akimi Ota, who was cast for the role because "his voice resembles the imagined voice of Migi." The movie comic "Kiseiju," newly reborn while keeping the essence of the original comic, is a must watch not only for fans of the original, but also everyone else.
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We are going to distribute the "IT'S THE RIGHT TIME" on the personal computer, mobile and smart phone from December 3rd (Wednesday).
We are sure that you will enjoy it. BACK