• Unnamed(Photo by YutaroTagawa)/2022
Shinnosuke Tojo

東城 信之介

Born in Nagano Prefecture in 1978. Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University in 2004 with a degree in comparative modeling. By applying large and small scratches and rust to the surface of metal plates and industrial products, he embodies his own mental landscapes and virtual images that can be seen unconsciously. SHINaNOBOYa is an imaginary friend from childhood and is the first sculpture that he made in his own memory. Since then, it has become one of the indispensable motifs, and it has become an opportunity to eliminate restrictions on materials. In recent years, he has also released works of introverted expression that reflect and confine two paintings on the screen. His production style, which focuses on existence, is not limited to paintings, but is also expanding into a wide range of sculptures and installation works.

1978 Born in Shinshu Lives in Kanagawa
2004 Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University, Department of Fine Arts, Comparative Modeling
2005 Completed research student at Tokyo Zokei University

Shinnosuke Tojo _CV

Portrait: Photo by UMA