この度、ルミネ新宿 ルミネ2-2Fにある[WALL_shinjuku]にて新井碧による個展「ボーダー・ストローク」を開催いたします。身体的なストロークから描く行為自体を追体験させるような作品に取り組む新井碧が、本展覧会のために作品制作と言葉との関係性を再考するとともに、新宿という多様性の街を紐解き描き下ろした新作を展示します。
(1)竹村和子『愛について アイデンティティと欲望の政治学』岩波書店、2021年、P13
When I paint, the forms that emerge are sometimes like plants, sometimes like the human body, or even like animals; in any case, they are organic. With my belief in painting as traces of fluctuating, changing moments, I move my brush as the painting demands. I can’t tell what the silhouette will look like until the work is complete. It can be something, it doesn’t have to be anything, or it can be in the process of becoming something.
This time spent is like an act of exploring something before it becomes words or a shape, or something that is vague and nebulous, like ambiguity itself, before it is named or classified. In the midst of this production, a passage from a book I read recently comes to mind.
“We do not love because we are already somebody and because the object is already somebody. Love is the name given to the simultaneous formation of the self and the object.” (1)
Between the self and the other – I apply brushstrokes as if searching for this boundary before recognition, including aspects like its distance and temperature. I think love is a state, not something that can be pointed out easily, but something that is constantly changing shape and color, and is fluid, like a wave that ebbs and flows back to the other person, and perhaps it is the warmth found here.
I think that the recognition of oneself, what we call “identity”, is also similar to love. It is also a state, not something that can be pointed out easily, but is constantly changing shape and color, and is fluid, and cannot be traded like love, but it always leads back to the self.
It is something that cannot be changed no matter what, that one does not want to be changed, and that one wants to cherish. I believe that the very act of refusing to be molded by pain and looking toward the future with the thought, “I just want to continue existing like this,” is a form of dignity and pride for oneself.
The forms that appear on the surface overlap, disappear, then reappear, repeatedly fluctuating and shifting. In this way, I bring my work to completion, and at the same time, I describe myself in relation to the world.
Midori Arai
1. Kazuko Takemura, “On Love: Identity, Desire, and Politics” Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, 2021, P. 13
1992年茨城県生まれ。 2015年東京造形大学造形学部美術学科絵画専攻卒業、 2022年京都芸術大学修士課程芸術研究科美術工芸領域油画専攻修了。
無意識的な動作の痕跡に、身体の有限性を備える。 鑑賞者に「描く行為」自体を身体的に想像・追体験させ、 共生の時代であるからこそ、生命と時間の在り方について問う。
会場:WALL_shinjuku(ルミネ新宿 ルミネ2‐2F)
HP URL:https://avex.jp/wall/exhibition/438
主催:ルミネ新宿/MEET YOUR ART
会場:WALL_shinjuku(ルミネ新宿 ルミネ2‐2F)