NAZE has been active in a wide range of fields from the street and fashion scene to the realm of contemporary art. Working in a variety of mediums his drawings, rooted in graffiti-culture, are embellished with spray paint, tactile brush strokes and collages using discarded materials.
The title of the exhibition comes from Robert Schumann’s instrumental piece “Träumerei”, which in German means “dreaminess” or “dreaming a dream”. The title represents NAZE’s artistic approach, which has been to paint dreams and fantasies, and to embrace coincidence in the creation of his paintings. In this case the chance discovery of a discarded canvas along Route 246 led to the inspiration for this work.
The exhibition will consist of a 7-meter wall collage of approximately 30 works from his early career and includes recent unpublished works along with new ones that were painted over the found canvas while listening to “Träumerei”.
NAZE will perform a live painting on the first day of the exhibition with the finished works being on display throughout the exhibition period.
11月21日 246沿い道路脇に捨てたれた絵画に出会った。2匹の蝶と楽譜が描かれている、友人を駅まで見送った後に、その絵画を広いアトリエに持ち帰った。今回作る予定の新作は音楽がテーマだった。妙なタイミング、また変な偶然、人生の中で何度かこういう事が起きる。楽譜を調べ聴いてみる。初めて聴く曲。拾った音楽。なんか良いな。これならいい絵が描けそうだ。偶然や音楽の力を信じて、時に思考を反響させながら絵に落とし込んでいく。
Artist’s Statement
On November 21, I came across a canvas painting of two butterflies and a musical score that had been abandoned on the roadside of Route 246 and after seeing a friend off to the station I brought it back to my studio.
I intended to make a work about music but sometimes in life strange timing and other chance coincidences occur. I examined the score and listened to the music. It was music I heard for the first time. It felt right. I thought I could make a good painting from this. Believing in the power of coincidence and music, I let my thoughts echo through the painting.
NAZE個展「Träumerei」概要 / NAZE「Träumerei」OverView
会期/Period:2023/12/20 Wedー12/28 Thu ※Closed on Sunday
会場:WALL_alternative(東京都港区西麻布4-2-4 1F)
OPENING PREVIEWでは、NAZEによるライブペインティングを開催いたします。
会場:WALL_alternative ※入場無料・予約不要
NAZE プロフィール
1989 年生まれ。
contact Gonzo としても活動中。
2022 年「MONO NI NARANAI MONO」/ OIL by 美術手帖 ギャラリー ( 東京 )
2022 年「TASHIKA ME YOU」/ CENTER ( 東京)
2022 年「PANORAMIC DRAWINGS」 / 村世界(東京)
2023 年「Dear old friend in the future」 / MATTER ( 東京 )
2023 年「Little Prayer」/ POL ( 大阪 )