WALL_alternative | Art_Music_Culture & Bar

David Stenbeck 「Temporary Monuments」

2024/09/13 Fri - 2024/10/02 Wed
会場 : WALL_alternative

この度WALL_alternativeでは、2024年9月13日(金)から10月2日(水)までデヴィッド・ステンベック「Temporary Monuments」を開催いたします。


彼の生み出す作品の風景は、空や雲、山や海まですべてCGI(Computer Generated Imagery)によって制作されており、幻想的で「夢の中の風景」(ドリームランドスケープ)のように感じられます。

日本で2度目の個展「Temporary Monuments」では、プリント作品を中心に20点以上の作品をさまざまなスケールで展示するほか、映像作品、LEDライトを使用し、言葉を組み合わせた2mにも及ぶインスタレーション作品を展示。






■デヴィッド・ステンベック×川上 未映子 トークセッション


時間:18:30~19:30 ※18:00開場・受付

会場:WALL_alternative ※抽選制(定員:50名)

入場:無料、抽選制 (定員:50名) ※1ドリンク制 (1,000円)

申込はこちら ※申込期限:9月5日(木) 終日中



川上 未映子 プロフィール

Photo credit: Tank Magazine/ Reiko Toyama


大阪府生まれ。2007年、『わたくし率 イン 歯一、または世界』で早稲田大学坪内逍遙大賞奨励賞、’08年、『乳と卵』で芥川賞、’09年、詩集『先端で、さすわ さされるわ そらええわ』で中原中也賞、’10年、『ヘヴン』で芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞および紫式部文学賞、’13年、詩集『水瓶』で高見順賞、『愛の夢とか』で谷崎潤一郎賞、’16年、『あこがれ』で渡辺淳一文学賞をそれぞれ受賞。また、短編「マリーの愛の証明」がGranta Best of Young Japanese Novelists 2016に選出。’19年、『夏物語』で毎日出版文化賞を受賞、本作は英米、独、伊などでベストセラーになり、世界40ヵ国以上で刊行が進む。『ヘヴン』の英訳は’22年、国際ブッカー賞最終候補に選出された。’23年、『すべて真夜中の恋人たち』が全米批評家協会賞最終ノミネート作品となる。最新作『黄色い家』は読売文学賞を受賞。このほかにも、村上春樹との共著『みみずくは黄昏に飛びたつ』など著書多数。


David Stenbeck / デヴィッド・ステンベック プロフィール

Photo credit: Johanna Stenbeck


2004 ルンド大学にて文学研究修士相当(スウェーデン)




2023 「ドリーム・スケープ」 SNOW Contemporary(東京)

2022 「インペリアル・イーサー」ジェンシンガーギャラリー(オンライン)

2021 「夢の中の夢」ジェンシンガーギャラリー(オンライン)



2021 「絶対芸術」Nordiska Kompaniet(ストックホルム)

2020 「Selected Works」SCOPE Art Fair(ジェンシンガーギャラリー) (マイアミ、アメリカ)

2020 「デジタルビデオ特集 “UltraHavn”」ジェンシンガーギャラリー(Lightbox提供、ZAZ10TSとのコラボレーション)(タイムズスクエア、ニューヨーク、アメリカ)


主なコミッション / プロジェクト

パリファッションウェーク(パリ)、Valentino(イタリア)、Meta(アメリカ)、Apple Music (USA/INTL)、BMG / ジュリア・ストーンのアルバムカバー(オーストラリア他)、他多数




『Contemporary Layers』(2023) (C) David Stenbeck, Courtesy of SNOW Contemporary



Manifesting an event or a chapter in time in a marble arch, for example, or a sculpture, is, besides its artistic and symbolic attributes that it may carry, also time coherent, channeling not only ambition, geology and the image of the cultural self, but also maintains the explicit value of that expression. Victory, sacrifice, union, loss. Empire, dream, deity. Throughout time, this stone weights and withers, until only reproduced in image or text, while its physical body resets into dust. The digital corpus, however, is ethereal, lucid, interchangeable, transferred and transformed; always new and always old. These artworks shown at WALL_alternative in Tokyo are not translations of war or victory, but they are manifestations of emotional instances, monuments more on a cellular level, that are made real and physical in their own right. Like the death of a star, no matter its scale, space is big enough to hide demise to us. Tremendous things happen out of sight, but they happen. This is the discussion of the occurrence of huge emotional monuments existing until they don’t, like lovers who sometimes meet and sometimes never get the opportunity to.



デヴィッド・ステンベック「Temporary Monuments」







会場:WALL_alternative(東京都港区西麻布4-2-4 1F)

HP URL:https://avex.jp/wall/exhibition/290/



デヴィッド ステンベック Romantic Youth
会期:2024年9月13日(金)〜 2024年11月10日(水) 13:00 – 19:00
会場:SNOW Contemporary (東京都港区西麻布2-13-12 早野ビル404)
※オープニングレセプション:2024年9月13日(金)15:00 – 21:00
*11月7日〜11月10日はART WEEK TOKYO会期に合わせて開廊
URL: http://www.snowcontemporary.com/index.html


WALL_Alternative (Nishi-Azabu, Tokyo) to Hold Swedish Artist David Stenbeck Solo Exhibition “Temporary Monuments” from September 13 (Fri)


Born in 1978 in Lund, Sweden, David Stenbeck is an artist who is also active as a poet, literary critic, and editor. Within his practice, he came to create artworks as he realized the need to visualize the poetic worlds developed in his imagination. The landscapes in his works, including the sky, clouds, mountains and seas, are all created using CGI (Computer Generated Imagery), making them feel like fantastical “dreamscapes.” They also create an illusion that blurs the boundaries between reality and unreality, and consciousness and unconsciousness.

Serving as Stenbeck’s second solo exhibition in Japan, “Temporary Monuments” will feature over 20 prints in various scales, as well as video works and a 2-meter installation using LED lights to combine words and prints. Stenbeck will also be visiting Japan for the first time to coincide with the exhibition, where he hopes to create an international community through dialogue with his works.


[Opening Event]
David Stenbeck × Mieko Kawakami Talk Session
Date: September 13 (Fri), 2024
Time: 18:30-19:30 *Doors open: 18:00
Admission: Lottery system (max: 50 people) *requires purchase of 1 drink
Venue: WALL_alternative (4-2-4 1F Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Reservation form:https://forms.gle/mPavP6mDYGy3UNQi8


■About David Stenbeck

B. 1978 / Lund, Sweden
2004 Literary Studies Master’s level, Lund University

[SELECTED EXHIBITIONS] 2023 “Dreamscapes” SNOW Contemporary, Tokyo / 2022 “Imperial Ether” Jenn Singer Gallery, Online / 2021 “Dream Within a Dream” Jenn Singer Gallery, Online / 2021 “Nordiska Kompaniet Exhibition” Absolut Art, Stockholm, Sweden / 2020 “Selected Works” SCOPE Art Fair December Immersive (Jenn Singer Gallery) Miami, US / 2020 Digital Video Feature “UltraHavn”, Jenn Singer presented by Lightbox and in collaboration with ZAZ10TS, Times Square, New York, US

[SELECTED COMMISSIONS / PROJECTS] Shang Xia – Commissioned artworks for creative director Yang Li, Paris Fashion Week, Valentino (Italy), Meta (USA), Apple Music (USA/INTL), BMG / Julia Stone – Songs for Australia Album Cover (Australia/INTL), and numerous other projects.

■About Mieko Kawakami

Mieko Kawakami is the acclaimed author of the international bestseller Breasts and Eggs. Born in Osaka, Japan, Kawakami made her literary debut as a poet and published her first novella, My Ego, My Teeth, and the World, in 2007. Her books, translated into over 20 languages, are known for their poetic qualities, insights into the female body, and preoccupation with ethics and modern society. Kawakami’s literary awards include the Akutagawa Prize, the Tanizaki Prize, and the Murasaki Shikibu Prize. Heaven, translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd, is on the shortlist for the 2022 International Booker Prize. Her most recent novel that has been translated into English is All the Lovers in the Night and it has been shortlisted for the National Book Critics Circle Awards in 2023. She lives in Tokyo.


【Exhibition Details】
David Stenbeck Solo Exhibition “Temporary Monuments”
Period: September 13 (Fri) – October 2 (Wed), 2024
*Closed on Sundays
Hours: 18:00-24:00
*September 13 (Fri): 20:00-24:00
*Saturdays, Monday Holidays: 16:00-22:00
Admission: Free, no reservations required
Venue: WALL_alternative (4-2-4 1F Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Organizer: WALL_alternative


[Related Exhibition]

David Stenbeck Romantic Youth
Period: September 13 (Fri) – November 10 (Wed), 2024
*Closed on Sunday, Mondays, and National Holidays
Venue: SNOW Contemporary (2-13-12 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Hayano Bldg. 404)
*Hours during November 7 – November 10 coincide with ART WEEK TOKYO