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WALL SELECTION vol.3(鮫島ゆい/山﨑愛彦)

2024/04/24 Wed - 2024/05/11 Sat

「WALL SELECTION vol.3」では、視覚では捉えることができない「みえないもの」の存在を問いかけることをテーマに、多様なモチーフを用い主に絵画表現を中心とした作品制作を行う鮫島ゆいと、自身のSNS投稿画像を素材に、PhotoshopやIllustrator、Blenderなどのソフトを用いて作成した下図をキャンバスに描き起こすユニークな手法で作品制作を行う山崎愛彦、京都を拠点に活動をする2名のグループ展を開催します。

WALL SELECTION vol.3″ will feature two Kyoto-based artists: Yui Samejima, who mainly creates paintings using a variety of motifs, with the theme of questioning the existence of “invisible things” that cannot be captured by eyesight. And Yoshihiko Yamazaki, who creates paintings by unique way that useing images he posts on SNS as the source material to create a design material to create a design with Photoshop, Illustrator, Blender, and other software.

グループ展「WALL SELECTION vol.3(鮫島ゆい/山﨑愛彦)」概要

会場:WALL_alternative(東京都港区西麻布4-2-4 1F)







会場:WALL_alternative ※入場無料・事前申込制



・鮫島ゆい Yui Samejima


1988年 京都生まれ。2010年 京都精華大学芸術学部版画専攻卒業。


近年の主な展覧会に、個展「afterglow」2kw gallery(滋賀 2023)、個展「 The Beats of Ghosts」NADiffA/P/A/R/T(東京2023)、「Visualize」haku kyoto(京都 2024)、「young okazaki vol.3」MtK Contemporary Art(京都 2023)、「ACT (Artists Contemporary TOKAS) Vol. 5 「引き寄せられた気配」」トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷(東京 2023)、「 The Layer, the layer 」The Third Gallery Aya(大阪 2022)などがある。

主な受賞に、公益財団法人平和堂財団 芸術奨励賞受賞(2022年)、 NONIO ART WAVE AWARD 2021 グランプリ・NONIO賞(2021年)など。

Born in Kyoto in 1988, she graduated from Kyoto Seika University in 2010 with a degree in printmaking.

She creates works mainly on pictorial expression with the theme of questioning the existence of “invisible things” that cannot be grasped visually.

Currently, she uses the images obtained from the small three-dimensional objects she creates as clues to create various fragmentary motifs derived from them, and expresses them in paintings by combining them on canvas.

Her shaped canvas is inspired by a technique called “Yobitsugi”, in which chipped pottery or lacquerware is repaired with gold or lacquer. By using intentionally left blank area on the canvas as a room for imagination, she is trying to reach out to the undepicted existence that lies beyond visual images.

Recent exhibitions include, solo exhibition rafterglow, 2kw gallery(Shiga 2023), solo exhibition ‘The Beats of Ghosts, NADiff A/P/A/R/T(Tokyo 2023). Visualizes haku kyoto(Kyoto 2024). young okazaki vol.31 MtK Contemporary Art(Kyoto 2023), ГАСТ (Artists Contemporary TOKAS) Vol. 5 Ungraspable, Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo (Tokyo 2023), ‘ The Layer, the layer 1 The Third Gallery Aya (Osaka 2022) and others.

Major awards include Heiwado Foundation/ Art Encouragement Award (2022) and NONIO ART WAVE AWARD 2021 Grand Prix and NONIO Award (2021).


・山﨑愛彦 Yoshihiko Yamazaki

山崎愛彦「8da0b6(both hands,door scope)」

1994年北海道生まれ。2016年 札幌大谷大学芸術学部美術学科絵画分野卒業。2020年 北海道教育大学大学院 教科教育専攻美術専修(油彩画)修了。2024年 京都市立芸術大学美術研究科博士課程(版画)在籍中。



最近の主な展覧会に個展「8da0b6(京都蔦屋書店 6F アートウォール)」(京都 2023)、個展『HAPS KYOTO selection #2「山﨑愛彦」(HAPSオフィス1F)』(京都 2023)個展「ドアスコープとベーグル」ギャラリー門馬(札幌 2023)などがある。主な受賞に第34回ホルベイン・スカラシップ奨学生(2022)など。

Born 1994 in Hokkaido, Japan. 2016 Graduated from Sapporo Otani University, Faculty of Art, Department of Fine Arts, Painting. 2020 Completed the Graduate School of Hokkaido University of Education, Department of Education, Fine Arts (Oil Painting).

2024 Currently enrolled in Doctoral Program of Kyoto City University of Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts (Printmaking).

He creates paintings by unique way that using images he posts on SNS as the source material to create a design with Photoshop, Illustrator, Blender, and other software.

He attempts to preserve private images valuable only for individuals in the medium of painting, which can exist for a long period of time.

The artist expresses fragments of contemporary information and memories as paintings, and by incorporating nested structure, connects the real world and the painting space, gives audience a viewing experience that travels back and forth through time and space.

Recent major exhibitions include solo exhibition “8daOb6” Kyoto Tsutaya 6F Art Wall (Kyoto 2023), solo exhibition “HAPS KYOTO selection #2 “Yoshihiko Yamazaki” at HAPS office (Kyoto 2023), and solo exhibition “Door scope and Bagel” Gallery Monma (Sapporo 2023)

He has received awards including the 34th Holbein Scholarship (2022).