• The New Clear Age (Fukushima Daini)/2014年
Yoi Kawakubo

川久保 ジョイ

1979年スペイン生まれ。2005年筑波大学人間総合科学研究科博士課程中退。専業主婦と金融トレーダーを経て作品制作に専念。経済、歴史、認知論やネルギー問題を主題とした写真、映像作品、サウンド作品、建築介入・空間インスタレーションを制作する。近年の主なグループ展に「Picturing the Invisible」(王立地理院、ロンドン、2022)「ヨコハマ・トリエンナーレ2020」(横浜、2020)、「六本木クロッシング2019 - つないでみる」(森美術館、東京、2019)、「ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2017」(横浜、2017)などが、主な個展に2018年「I/body/ghost」(ヤマモト・ケイコ・ロシェックス、ロンドン)、「Fall」(資生堂ギャラリー、東京、2016)などがある。2015年VOCA展大原美術館賞、第10回shiseido art egg入選等の受賞がある。


Yoi Kawakubo (b. 1979, Spain/Japan/UK) is a international artist with multicultural background who explores the ontology of structures regarding justice and legitimacy, the unearthing of marginalised historical narratives and the analysis of social issues such as the ethics of financial markets or the problems of nuclear energy. He addresses these topics by employing a variety of strategies, derived especially from photography, film, experimental literature, the conceptualist investigations in art since the 1960s and the logics of financial markets. He turned to artistic practice after receiving his degree in disabilities neuroscience and subsequently working as a financial trader for several years.
Recent group exhibitions include: _Afterglow - The Yokohama Triennale 2020_ (Yokohama, Japan), _Roppongi Crossing 2019 - Connexions_ (Mori Art Museum, Tokyo), _21st DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow_ (National Art Center, Tokyo), _Islands, Constellations and Galapagos - Yokohama Triennale 2017_ (Yokohama, 2017), _Linguamania_ (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 2017).
Recent solo exhibitions include _I/body/ghost_ (Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix, London, 2018), _Two million years of solitude, cherry blossoms and fifty thousand light-years more_ (Koganecho Site-A, Yokohama, Japan, 2017), _Stella Maris was a name I found in a dream_ (Daiwa Foundation Japan House, London, 2016), and _Fall_ (Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo, 2016).



Yoi Kawakubo_CV

Courtesy of the artist and Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix