• 《地面のためいき》Sigh of A Ground/2022年
Kota Takeuchi

竹内 公太

(1982生, 日本)パラレルな身体と憑依をテーマに、時間的・空間的隔たりを越えた活動を展開する。建築物、石碑、彫刻、公文書、郷土史家や目撃者のインタビューといった人々の記憶に触れながら、地図、ストリーミング映像、UAVカメラなどの多角的な視点で、メディアと人間との関係を探る。福島県帰還困難区域内の展覧会「Don't Follow the Wind」実行委員、また東京電力福島第一原発ライブカメラの前に立った「指差し作業員」の代理人として活動。近年の展覧会に"さばかれえぬ私へ. Tokyo Contemporary Art Award 2021-2023 受賞記念展"(志賀理江子との二人展、東京都現代美術館)、"六本木クロッシング 2022 展:往来オーライ!"(森美術館)ほか。


(b.1982, Japan) Kota Takeuchi develops his activity across temporal and spatial divides in the conceptual method of parallel bodies and possession. Tracing lost histories, working in separated areas, he does research, production and performance come together in the unified actions. Touching the people' memories such buildings, monuments, sculptures, archives, interviews with local historians and eyewitnesses, he pursues the images by recent modern means such as internet map apps, live streaming video, and UAV(drone) cameras. Exploring the relationship between media and human natures, the works give simulated sharing experiences with the artist himself and the viewers. Recent exhibitions include "Waiting for the WInd. Tokyo Contemporary Art Award 2021-2023" (with Lieko Shiga, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo), "Roppongi Crossing 2022: Coming & Going"(Mori Art Museum), and others.

