• 微笑み/2024年
Koiichiro Tada


画家。1992年生まれ。群馬県太田市出身。東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科絵画専攻(技法材料研究室) 修了。失恋や絶縁や死別など、信頼関係にあった[他者]との別れの実体験を元に、それ以降も自分の中で流動的に変化し続ける他者のイメージ(特定の個人を示さない、過去の経験が複雑に絡み合ったキメラのようなもの)を「君」と称し、その不定形でありながら強い実感の伴ったモチーフの在り方を探るように様々な素材や表現方法を用いながら制作している。さらに個人の制作活動とは別に[早熟な表現を求める現代に対するアンチテーゼ]をテーマに同世代のプレイヤー(アーティストに限らずキュレーター、批評家なども含む)に声をかけた自主企画の展覧会や芸術祭なども定期的に行っている。主な個展に「色めく屍肉」(2023,TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY,東京)「あなたが君に変わるまで」(2024,galleryblue3143,東京)、主なグループ展に「生きられた庭」(2019,京都府立植物園,京都)「Standing Ovation / 四肢の向かう先」(2021,ホテルニューアカオ,静岡)「遊歩する分人」(2023,GASBON_METABOLISM,山梨)、主な自主企画展覧会に「絵画・運動『ラフ次元』」(2018,四谷未確認スタジオ,東京)「ちょっと寄り道しませんか?」(2023,根津カレーラッキー,東京)、自主企画芸術祭に「ストレンジャーによろしく」(2021,石川県金沢市市内各所) 、「うららか絵画祭」(2023、東京都台東区エリア各所)などがある。

Born in 1992, Koiichiro Tada is a painter from Ota City, Gunma Prefecture. Tada graduated from the Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Painting (Technique and Materials Laboratory). Based on his own experiences of separation from [others] with whom he had a trusting relationship – such as heartbreak, estrangement, and death – he gives the name “you” to the image of the other person (a chimera-like thing that does not represent a specific individual, but is a complex intertwining of past experiences) that continues to change fluidly within himself from the moment of separation. He creates his works using a variety of materials and methods, searching out this formless yet deeply real motif. In addition to his personal creative activities, he also regularly organizes exhibitions and art festivals inviting significant figures of his generation (including curators and critics) to participate in his own projects that explore the theme of “Antithesis to the modern world’s demand for precocious expression.”

Major solo exhibitions include “Colorful Carrion” (2023, TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY, Tokyo) and “Anata ga kimi ni kawaru made” (2024, galleryblue3143, Tokyo). He has been involved in major group exhibitions including, “Le Jardin Convivial” (2019, Kyoto Prefectural Botanical Gardens, Kyoto), “Standing Ovation / Where the Limbs Lead” (2021, Hotel New Akao, Shizuoka), and “Yuho suru bunjin” (2023, GASBON_METABOLISM, Yamanashi). Tada has also self-organized exhibitions including “Painting/Movement ‘Rough Dimension'” (2018, Yotsuya Unconfirmed Studio, Tokyo), and “Would You Like to Take a Little Detour?” (2023, Nezu Curry Lucky, Tokyo). His self-organized art festivals include “Say Hello to the Stranger” (2021, various locations in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture) and “Uraraka Painting Festival” (2023, various locations in the Taito Ward area of Tokyo).