David Stenbeck



2010年代後半に画像投稿をメインとしたInstagramが世界的に普及したことや、3Dソフトのレンダリング技術の向上により、高度にリアルな質感の表現が可能になったことを背景に、CGI(Computer Generated Imagery)をアートワークとしてウェブ上に投稿するアーティストが登場するようになりますが、ステンベックはCGIアートの黎明期における代表的な一人として知られています。

2019年からアイコン的な作品である雲とピンクのレーザーをモチーフとした作品「Jesolo Clouds」や、「I MISS YOU ALL」、「WISH YOU WERE HERE」といったメランコリックな詩の一文を用いた作品を制作しています。



近年では、ニューヨーク・タイムズスクエアの大型スクリーンでのモーション作品「Ultra Havn」の上映展示や、オンライン展覧会「CANCELLED DATES」の企画を行なっています。またCOSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINEやファッションブランドとのコミッションワークも多数おこない、2023年にはSNOW Contemporary(東京)にて日本初個展「Dreamscapes」を開催し大きな話題をよびました。

Born in 1978 in Lund, Sweden, Stenbeck has worked as a poet, literary critic, and editor. He eventually started working with 3D modeling software to visualize the world he depicts in his poetry. These works are often fantastical and seem to present “dreamscapes.” The landscapes depicted in his works, from the sky and clouds to mountains and seas, are all created using computer generated imagery (CGI). They give the viewers the illusion which blurs the boundaries between reality and unreality, and consciousness and unconsciousness.

Stenbeck comments on his artworks as follows:

“Setting classical art history as its base, my practice updates old conventions into something more contemporary and approachable by questioning the conventional structures and concepts. While referring to the sublime ideal of the Old World and deconstructing its motifs before the viewers’ eyes, I let the human body and other figurative forms guide the viewers to help the viewer focus on the composition.”

As Stenbeck mentions above, his artworks are created by extracting universal elements from classical art and reviving them in this contemporary era. He has also actively posted his works on Instagram under the account “dovneon,” which now has more than 260,000 followers. He collaborates with a number of fashion brands and companies around the world, and is increasingly gaining attention internationally.
