• 胡桃の木/2024
Yuriko Asano


Yuriko Asano visits various places to learn about food culture and the use of plants, traces her own experiences with the people she meets, and creates paintings to record what has been passed down in those places. These works are not limited to mere botanical paintings, but also focus on the wisdom and knowledge that has been handed down in the land for a long time, and contain an awareness of extremely contemporary issues such as the symbiosis between humans and nature, the perspective of non-human creatures, the cycle of life, and women's labor, which are being lost in modern society. And through his colorful and vital paintings, Asano is celebrating this rich world.


Yuriko Asano visits various places to learn about local food culture and usage of plants, tracing her own experiences and interactions with the people she meets, and creates pain tings as if she were recording what has been handed down in the local area. These works are not mere botanical pain tings, but rather focus on the wisdom and knowledge that has long been passed down from generation to generation in the local area. They also include an awareness of contemporary issues such as the symbiosis between humans and nature, which is being lost in modern society, the perspective on non-human lives, the cycle of life, and women’s labor. Through her colorful and vital pain tings, Asano is trying to celebrate this rich world.

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