• energy / 凛然な手温/2011
Misato Kurimune

栗棟 美里

Contemporary artist | Born in Hyogo in 1988. In 2013, completed the master's course in printmaking at Kyoto Seika University Graduate School of Art. Using the mixed media method of using photographs he has taken as support and drawing on top of them, he has consistently questioned the essence of things such as beauty, existence, time, and life, and has made numerous presentations both domestically and internationally. In recent years, he has been creating works based on the concept of what is the essence of the act of "seeing" in a society overloaded with information via the Internet.
Major solo exhibitions include 2021 “You may be in this world. Or you may not be” (TEZUKAYAMA ALL, Osaka) and 2015 “Flash⇆Infinity” (eN arts, Kyoto). In 2021, won the Sankei Shimbun Prize at "Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2021 - Kyoto Prefecture New Artist Selection Exhibition". Participated in many other group exhibitions and art fairs both domestically and internationally.

Misato Kurimune_CV