[Web] AbemaTV Naomi Watanabe's high school girl audition # 10

A big project that AbemaTV launched seriously Beverly appeared in the “Vocalist” audition program “Naomi Watanabe's high school girl audition!” Limited to high school girls!

【On-air date】
Saturday, October 7th, 20: 00-21: 00
MC: Naomi Watanabe
Guest: Yuya Matsushita / Beverly
[Program content]
Naomi Watanabe will be the organizer, and a long-term large-scale audition will be held under the complete backup of the major music production "Tsubasa Plus", to which artists such as Wednesday Campanella and Sonoko Inoue who have gained tremendous support from young people belong.
The cutting-edge people in the music industry thoroughly explain the tech and selection criteria that are easy to pass through auditions! The whole picture of the innovative audition program is revealed!
[Program official site]

Everyone, please take a look!