Naoya Urata & Chiaki Ito appear live at Nicolas! Thorough introduction of 7 consecutive single songs!

Every Monday to Friday at 7pm!
Public live broadcast from "Nico Bukuro Studio" at Ikebukuro Nico Nico Headquarters!

Mon-Thurs [Nicolaj] MC is... Hisashi Yamada (
Wednesday assistant is mushroom (
Wednesday Assistant will be May Disease Mario (

Nicolas on July 1st (Wednesday) from AAA (
Naoya Urata ( & Chiaki Ito ( appear live! !

On the day of the event, we will be accepting questions from the audience to AAA Naoya Urata & Ito Ito!
If you want to ask them directly,
Please come to Ikebukuro Nico Nico Head Office Nico Bukuro Studio!
Nicolas is a habit (weeks).